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Spare Time

Spare Time connects skilled people with communities that need spare hands. Spare Time was the winner of the SA Government D3 Active Ageing Challenge. It was designed using human centred design and LEAN start-up principles to promote active ageing through connection with meaningful work.

Factory 50

Factory 50 has been created to support women led startups and women investors. Itexists to assist women to enter the startup world, to provide support once they are established and to make the process of acquiring early stage funding simpler.Factory 50 is working towards a goal of women creating 50% of new startups and providing 50% of seed funding by 2025.

All of Youth

All of You(th) is a social enterprise that exists to create a new service and products to assist young people to access work in the digital economy and to develop the skills to create their own products and services.​ It is being developed with Dr Ali Elder and Amanda Alderman and uses co-creation processes to engage young people in service design.

Smart Asset Management

Smart Asset Management utilises big data, machine learning and computer vision to build smart city infrastructure. Smart Asset Management was the winner of the SA Government "Protecting Our Environment" Unleashed award for open data.

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Digital Humdrum

DevelopR uses open data to help you to find land to subdivide and build on. Our development plan reports, environmental assessments and social insights will help you find the right land for your development. Save time and money knowing what you can build before you buy.

Data for Social change

Data for Social Change is an online movement to advocate for greater access to open data for important social issues such as homelessness and domestic violence. It was a winner of the 2014 SA Government "Data Journalism" Unleashed award for open data.

Digital Humdrum is a new digital consulting service that is specifically targeted to small to medium women-led businesses. This has been developed as the technology sector is largely exclusionary of women and there is a need to empower women to improve their digital literacy as it relates to their business. Digital Humdrum utilises automation where possible to deliver premium services to businesses of all sizes regardless of budget.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to help. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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